
GraphQL 基金会

¥GraphQL Foundation

GraphQL 基金会做什么?

¥What does the GraphQL Foundation do?

基金会的主要职责是制定政策并分配预算,以最大限度地提高 GraphQL 社区的可持续性。成员参加每月召开一次的管理委员会,决定如何分配资金。

¥The primary responsibility of the Foundation is to set policy and allocate the budget to maximize the sustainability of the GraphQL community. Members participate on a governing board that meets monthly and decides how to allocate its funding.


¥Where does the funding go when I become a member?

GraphQL 基金会的资金完全来自我们成员的支持。管理委员会设定年度预算,以使用会费最大限度地造福社区。基金会分配通过成员资格筹集的资金的方式包括:

¥The GraphQL Foundation is funded exclusively through the support of our members. The governing board sets an annual budget to use the dues to the maximum benefit of the community. Ways the Foundation distributes the money raised through memberships include:

  • 向以中立角色工作的核心社区开发者提供资助和赞助。

    ¥Providing grants and sponsorship to core community developers who are working in neutral roles.

  • 为核心社区 IT 基础设施提供资金。

    ¥Funding core community IT infrastructure.

  • 为基金会和 GraphQL 项目生态系统提供资金协调、财务和法律支持计划。

    ¥Funding coordination, financial, and legal support programs for the Foundation and the GraphQL project ecosystem.

  • 其他社区和开发者支持计划。

    ¥Other community and developer support programs.

随着社区需求的变化,GraphQL 基金会的预算会重新调整。

¥The GraphQL Foundation budget is realigned as the needs of the community change.


¥How are decisions made?

与其他 Linux 基金会项目一样,理事会通过投票做出决定。每张选票都是平等的,没有成员拥有特殊的投票权或特权。章程目前将管理委员会成员限制为 25 名。

¥As with other Linux Foundation projects, the governing board makes decisions through votes. Every vote is equal and no members have special voting rights or privileges. The charter currently limits the governing board to 25 members.

谁可以加入 GraphQL 基金会?

¥Who can join the GraphQL Foundation?

GraphQL 基金会成员资格对希望支持 GraphQL 生态系统的公司开放。由于 GraphQL 基金会托管在 Linux 基金会,因此成员也必须加入 Linux 基金会。

¥GraphQL Foundation membership is open to companies who wish to support the GraphQL ecosystem. As the GraphQL Foundation is hosted at the Linux Foundation, members must also join the Linux Foundation.

我需要加入基金会才能参与 GraphQL 开发吗?

¥Do I need to join the Foundation to participate in GraphQL development?

不,基金会成员资格与技术开发社区是分开的。参与 GraphQL 开发是免费的,但你必须签署 免费的 GraphQL 规范成员协议 才能参与。这两件事是彼此不同的。

¥No, Foundation membership is separate from the technical development community. There is no cost to participate in GraphQL development, although you must sign the free GraphQL Specification membership agreement in order to participate. These two things are different from each other.

成员加入基金会是为了提供必要的资金并参与资金使用决策。开发者加入 GraphQL 规范是为了贡献想法、代码和其他内容。许多公司都同时做这两件事。

¥Members join the Foundation in order to provide essential funding and participate in the decisions on how it is used. Developers join the GraphQL Specification in order to contribute ideas, code, and other content. Many companies do both.


¥How do I participate in technical development?

我们欢迎你的加入!入门的最佳地点是每月召开一次会议的 GraphQL 工作组。打开 PR 将自己添加到议程中,欢迎你加入。

¥We would love to have you! The best place to get started is the GraphQL Working Group, which meets monthly. Open a PR to add yourself to the agenda, and you are welcome to join.

否则,你可以参与 我们的任何其他项目

¥Otherwise, you can get involved in any of our other projects.


¥Who founded the organization?

GraphQL 基金会由 Apollo、AWS、Butterfly Network、Dgraph Labs、Facebook、Gatsby、GraphZen、Hasura、IBM、Intuit、Neo4j、Novvum、Pipefy、Salsify、Solo.io 和 Thicit 创立。

¥The GraphQL Foundation was founded by Apollo, AWS, Butterfly Network, Dgraph Labs, Facebook, Gatsby, GraphZen, Hasura, IBM, Intuit, Neo4j, Novvum, Pipefy, Salsify, Solo.io and Thicit.


¥Who is currently a member?

你可以在 GraphQL 基金会成员页面 上了解有关我们成员资格的更多信息。

¥You can learn more about our membership on the GraphQL Foundation membership page.


¥How do we join?

你可以通过完成我们的 成员应用表 成为 GraphQL 基金会和 Linux 基金会的成员。

¥You can become a member of GraphQL Foundation and the Linux Foundation by completing our membership application form.