



¥What is the best way to follow specification releases?

GraphQL 规范的最新工作草案版本可以在 spec.graphql.org/draft 找到。以前的版本也可在与其 发布标签 匹配的永久链接处获得。

¥The latest working draft release of the GraphQL specification can be found at spec.graphql.org/draft. Previous editions are also available at permalinks that match their release tag.

每个版本背后的整个过程都是开源的。你可以通过关注 graphql-spec 存储库中的拉取请求 来监控规范提案。你还可以观看过去 GraphQL 工作组关于 YouTube 上各种提案的讨论。

¥The entire process behind each release is open source. You can monitor specification proposals by following pull requests in the graphql-spec repository. You can also watch past GraphQL Working Group discussions about various proposals on YouTube.

我如何为 GraphQL 规范做出贡献?

¥How can I contribute to the GraphQL specification?

GraphQL 仍在不断发展,欢迎大家贡献!规范(包括 最新工作草案)是开源的。贡献者指南 可在 GitHub 上获得。

¥GraphQL is still evolving and contributions are very welcome! The specification (including the latest working draft) is open source. Contributor guidelines are available on GitHub.

不过,除了规范之外,还有更多方法可以参与 GraphQL。例如,更新 本网站和文档 上的内容。或者为 GraphQL 基金会 维护的 graphql-jsgraphql-httpGraphiQL众多其他项目之一 做出贡献。

¥There are more ways to get involved with GraphQL beyond the specification though. Updating the content on this website and the documentation, for example. Or contributing to graphql-js, graphql-http, GraphiQL, or one of the many other projects maintained by the GraphQL Foundation.

什么是 GraphQL 规范成员资格?

¥What is GraphQL Specification membership?

GraphQL 规范 和相关参考实现是联合开发基金会项目(也是 Linux 基金会家族的一部分)。个人或企业贡献者免费签署一份文件,同意他们的贡献受该项目的开源许可约束。因为这不是 GraphQL 基金会成员资格,所以规范成员不会决定如何使用预算。

¥The GraphQL Specification and the associated reference implementations are a Joint Development Foundation project (also part of the Linux Foundation family). Individual or corporate contributors sign a document at no cost that they agree their contributions are under the open source licenses of the project. Because this is not GraphQL Foundation membership, specification members do not decide how to spend the budget.

要签署 GraphQL 规范成员文档,请针对任何 GitHub 上的 GraphQL 存储库 打开 PR。

¥To sign the GraphQL Specification membership document, open a PR against any GraphQL repo on GitHub.

如果你的组织使用并从 GraphQL 中受益,请考虑通过代表你的公司和 加入 GraphQL 基金会 打开 PR 成为两者的成员。

¥If your organization uses and benefits from GraphQL, please consider becoming a member of both by opening a PR on behalf of your company and joining the GraphQL Foundation.


¥Where is the documentation for subscriptions?

它还没有出现在这个网站上,但我们正在努力。如果你想帮助编写订阅指南,请联系 让我们知道

¥It’s not on this website yet, but we’re working on it. If you’d like to help write guides on subscriptions, please let us know.

目前,规范包括 如何编写和执行订阅 的详细信息。

¥For now, the specification includes details for how to write and execute subscriptions.