



¥Providing Object Identifiers allows clients to build rich caches

在基于端点的 API 中,客户端可以使用 HTTP 缓存来轻松避免重新获取资源,并识别两个资源何时相同。这些 API 中的 URL 是全局唯一标识符,客户端可以利用它来构建缓存。然而,在 GraphQL 中,没有类似 URL 的原语为给定对象提供全局唯一标识符。因此,API 的最佳实践是公开此类标识符以供客户端使用。

¥In an endpoint-based API, clients can use HTTP caching to easily avoid refetching resources, and for identifying when two resources are the same. The URL in these APIs is a globally unique identifier that the client can leverage to build a cache. In GraphQL, though, there’s no URL-like primitive that provides this globally unique identifier for a given object. It’s hence a best practice for the API to expose such an identifier for clients to use.

全局唯一 ID

¥Globally Unique IDs

一种可能的结构是保留一个字段(例如 id)作为全局唯一标识符。这些文档中使用的示例结构使用了这种方法:

¥One possible pattern for this is reserving a field, like id, to be a globally unique identifier. The example schema used throughout these docs uses this approach:

这是提供给客户端开发者的强大工具。与基于资源的 API 的 URL 提供全局唯一密钥的方式相同,该系统中的 id 字段也提供全局唯一密钥。

¥This is a powerful tool to hand to client developers. In the same way that the URLs of a resource-based API provided a globally unique key, the id field in this system provides a globally unique key.

如果后端使用 UUID 之类的标识符,那么公开这个全局唯一 ID 可能会非常简单!如果后端还没有为每个对象提供全局唯一 ID,则 GraphQL 层可能必须构建此 ID。通常,这就像将类型名称附加到 ID 并将其用作标识符一样简单;然后,服务器可能会通过 Base64 编码将该 ID 设为不透明。

¥If the backend uses something like UUIDs for identifiers, then exposing this globally unique ID may be very straightforward! If the backend doesn’t have a globally unique ID for every object already, the GraphQL layer might have to construct this. Oftentimes, that’s as simple as appending the name of the type to the ID and using that as the identifier; the server might then make that ID opaque by base64-encoding it.

或者,该 ID 可用于处理 全局对象识别node 结构。

¥Optionally, this ID can then be used to work with the Global Object Identification’s node pattern.

与现有 API 的兼容性

¥Compatibility with existing APIs

为此目的使用 id 字段的一个问题是使用 GraphQL API 的客户端如何与现有 API 配合使用。例如,如果我们现有的 API 接受特定于类型的 ID,但我们的 GraphQL API 使用全局唯一 ID,那么同时使用两者可能会很棘手。

¥One concern with using the id field for this purpose is how a client using the GraphQL API would work with existing APIs. For example, if our existing API accepted a type-specific ID, but our GraphQL API uses globally unique IDs, then using both at once can be tricky.

在这些情况下,GraphQL API 可以在单独的字段中公开先前 API 的 ID。这给了我们两全其美的好处:

¥In these cases, the GraphQL API can expose the previous API’s IDs in a separate field. This gives us the best of both worlds:

  • GraphQL 客户端可以继续依赖一致的机制来获取全局唯一 ID。

    ¥GraphQL clients can continue to rely on a consistent mechanism for getting a globally unique ID.

  • 需要使用我们之前的 API 的客户端也可以从对象中获取 previousApiId 并使用它。

    ¥Clients that need to work with our previous API can also fetch previousApiId from the object, and use that.



虽然全局唯一 ID 过去已被证明是一种强大的结构,但它们并不是唯一可以使用的结构,也并不适合所有情况。客户端需要的真正关键的功能是能够为其缓存导出全局唯一标识符。虽然让服务器派生该 ID 简化了客户端,但客户端也可以派生该标识符。通常,这就像将对象的类型(使用 __typename 查询)与某种类型唯一标识符相结合一样简单。

¥While globally unique IDs have proven to be a powerful pattern in the past, they are not the only pattern that can be used, nor are they right for every situation. The really critical functionality that the client needs is the ability to derive a globally unique identifier for their caching. While having the server derive that ID simplifies the client, the client can also derive the identifier. Oftentimes, this would be as simple as combining the type of the object (queried with __typename) with some type-unique identifier.

此外,如果用 GraphQL API 替换现有 API,如果 GraphQL 中的所有字段都相同(除了 id 之外)(该字段更改为全局唯一),则可能会造成混乱。这将是人们可能选择不使用 id 作为全局唯一字段的另一个原因。

¥Additionally, if replacing an existing API with a GraphQL API, it may be confusing if all of the fields in GraphQL are the same except id, which changed to be globally unique. This would be another reason why one might choose not to use id as the globally unique field.