Learn how GraphQL returns data to clients
GraphQL 文档被 validated 和 executed 之后,服务器将向请求客户端返回 response。GraphQL 的优势之一是服务器响应反映了客户端原始请求的形状,但如果在执行操作之前或期间发生了意外情况,响应也可能包含有用的信息。在此页面上,我们将深入探讨 GraphQL 请求生命周期中的最后阶段。
¥After a GraphQL document has been validated and executed, the server will return a response to the requesting client. One of GraphQL’s strengths is that the server response reflects the shape of the client’s original request, but a response may also contain helpful information if something unexpected happened before or during the execution of an operation. On this page, we’ll take a deeper exploration of this final phase in the lifecycle of a GraphQL request.
正如我们在本指南中的示例中所看到的,当执行 GraphQL 请求时,响应将在顶层 data
¥As we have seen in the examples throughout this guide, when a GraphQL request is executed the response is returned on a top-level data
key. For example:
键的包含不是底层 GraphQL 实现做出的任意决定 - 它由 GraphQL 规范 描述。在此键下,你将找到请求操作的执行结果,如果在执行某些字段解析器期间引发错误,则结果可能包括请求字段的部分数据。
¥The inclusion of the data
key isn’t an arbitrary decision made by the underlying GraphQL implementation—it’s described by the GraphQL specification. Under this key, you will find the result of the execution of the requested operation, which may include partial data for the requested fields if errors were raised during the execution of some field resolvers.
GraphQL 规范不需要的一件事是响应的特定序列化格式。也就是说,响应通常格式化为 JSON,如上例所示。
¥One thing that the GraphQL specification doesn’t require is a specific serialization format for the response. That said, responses are typically formatted as JSON, as in the example above.
此外,GraphQL 规范也不要求对请求使用特定的传输协议,尽管对于无状态查询和突变操作,它是 HTTP 常用的指令。长寿命、有状态的订阅操作通常由 WebSockets 或服务器发送的事件支持。
¥Additionally, the GraphQL specification doesn’t require the use of a particular transport protocol for requests either, although it is common for HTTP to be used for stateless query and mutations operations. Long-lived, stateful subscription operations are often supported by WebSockets or server-sent events instead.
GraphQL over HTTP 规范草案 提供了有关使用 HTTP 与 GraphQL 客户端和服务器的进一步指南。
¥There is a draft GraphQL over HTTP specification available with further guidelines for using HTTP with GraphQL clients and servers.
除了 data
键之外,GraphQL 规范还概述了 errors 在响应中的格式。GraphQL 实现是否在响应中提供带有错误信息的部分数据将取决于引发的错误类型。让我们看看在 GraphQL 请求的生命周期中可能发生的不同类型的错误。
¥In addition to the data
key, the GraphQL specification outlines how errors should be formatted in the response. Whether the GraphQL implementation provides partial data with the error information in the response will depend on the type of error that was raised. Let’s look at the different kinds of errors that can occur during the lifecycle of a GraphQL request.
¥Request errors
¥Request errors typically occur because the client made a mistake. For example, there may be a syntax error in the document, such as a missing bracket or the use of an unknown root operation type keyword:
对象内的 message
键为开发者提供了一些有用的信息,以了解引发了哪种错误,而 locations
¥The message
key inside the errors
object provides some helpful information for the developer to understand what kind of error was raised, and the locations
key, if present, indicates where the error occurred in the document.
有时,GraphQL 请求可能在语法上是正确的,但是当服务器解析并根据模式对文档进行 validates 时,它会发现部分操作存在问题并引发验证错误。
¥Sometimes, a GraphQL request may be syntactically correct, but when the server parses and validates the document against the schema, it finds an issue with part of the operation and raises a validation error.
例如,客户端可能会请求 Starship
¥For example, the client may request a field that does not exist on the Starship
¥Validation errors also occur when clients specify incorrect variable types for their corresponding field arguments:
¥In the previous examples, we can see that when a request error occurs the data
key will not be included because the server returns an error response to the client before the field resolvers are executed.
¥Field errors
¥Field errors are raised if something unexpected happens during execution. For example, a resolver may raise an error directly, or may return invalid data such as a null value for a field that has a Non-Null output type.
在这些情况下,GraphQL 将尝试继续执行其他字段并返回部分响应,其中 data
键与 errors
¥In these cases, GraphQL will attempt to continue executing the other fields and return a partial response, with the data
key appearing alongside the errors
¥Let’s look at an example:
上面的突变试图在单个操作中删除两艘星际飞船,但没有 ID 为 3010
的星际飞船存在,因此服务器会抛出错误。在响应中,我们可以看到有关别名为 secondShip
的字段发生的错误的信息。在 data
键下,我们还看到返回了第一艘船的 ID 以表示成功删除,而第二艘船由于其解析器函数中引发的错误而产生了空结果。
¥The mutation above attempts to delete two starships in a single operation, but no starship exists with an ID of 3010
so the server throws an error. In the response, we can see information about the error that occurred for the field that was aliased as secondShip
. Under the data
key, we also see that the ID of the first ship was returned to indicate successful deletion, while the second ship produced a null result due to the error raised in its resolver function.
¥Network errors
与对任何类型的 API 的网络调用一样,在请求期间的任何时候都可能发生非特定于 GraphQL 的网络错误。这些类型的错误将在请求完成之前阻止客户端和服务器之间的通信,例如 SSL 错误或连接超时。根据你选择的 GraphQL 服务器和客户端库,它们中可能内置有支持特殊网络错误处理的功能,例如重试失败的操作。
¥As with network calls to any type of API, network errors that are not specific to GraphQL may happen at any point during a request. These kinds of errors will block communication between the client and server before the request is complete, such as an SSL error or a connection timeout. Depending on the GraphQL server and client libraries that you choose, there may be features built into them that support special network error handling such as retries for failed operations.
GraphQL 规范允许在响应中使用的最终顶层键是 extentions
键。此键为 GraphQL 实现保留,以提供有关响应的其他信息,尽管如果存在它必须是一个对象,但对它可能包含的内容没有其他限制。
¥The final top-level key allowed by the GraphQL specification in a response is the extentions
key. This key is reserved for GraphQL implementations to provide additional information about the response and though it must be an object if present, there are no other restrictions on what it may contain.
例如,某些 GraphQL 服务器可能包含此键下的遥测数据或有关速率限制消耗的信息。请注意,extensions
中可用的数据以及这些数据是否在生产或开发环境中可用将完全取决于特定的 GraphQL 实现。
¥For example, some GraphQL servers may include telemetry data or information about rate limit consumption under this key. Note that what data is available in extensions
and whether this data is available in production or development environments will depend entirely on the specific GraphQL implementation.
¥Next steps
回顾这些关于使用缓存和 GraphQL API 的建议:
¥To recap what we’ve learned about GraphQL response formats:
GraphQL 规范允许响应中有三个顶层键:
¥The GraphQL specification allows three top-level keys in a response:
, andextensions
中的一个(当它同时包含两者时,它就是 “部分响应”)¥At least one of
will be present on the response (when it contains both it is a “partial response”) -
key contains the result of the executed operation -
键中¥Information about raised errors is included in the
key of the response -
不会包含在响应中¥Request errors (such as syntax or validation errors) are raised before execution begins so
won’t be included in the response -
键中可能包含部分数据¥When a field error occurs during execution, there will be a description of the issue in the
key and there may be partial data included with thedata
key -
GraphQL 实现可能在
键中包含有关响应的其他任意信息¥GraphQL implementations may include additional arbitrary information about the response in the
现在你了解了 GraphQL 请求的不同阶段以及如何向客户端提供响应,请转到 内省 页面了解 GraphQL 服务器如何查询有关其自身模式的信息。
¥Now that you understand the different phases of a GraphQL request and how responses are provided to clients, head over to the Introspection page to learn about how a GraphQL server can query information about its own schema.